Friday, 18 May 2012

Canterbury Benefit Office
Sandling Road
ME99 2AD

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Reference: WP 15 81 33 D

Without Prejudice


0. Your letter of 17 April 2012 does not answer my original question: Why have I not been paid Job Grant?

1. You do not specify that I fell foul of all DWP's criteria, so logically must have fallen foul of either some, or one, that you mention. 1.1. You do not specify which criterion, or criteria, you mention led to my not being paid Job Grant.

2. Clearly, the DWP wishes to give me no grounds to appeal its decision by not clearly specifying the reason(s) for that decision. 2.1. In truth, the DWP has no grounds - and simply wishes to conceal its own illegality by muddying the waters.

3. The DWP has found me guilty of violating its rules without stating which rule, or rules, I have violated - a human rights violation on its part. 3.1. The DWP has offered no evidence that any such infringement of its rules actually took place - a legal rights violation on its part.

4. Since I have a Nigerian; ie, non-English -(ie, non-White) sounding surname, this is proof of Institutional Racism on the part of the DWP - in collusion with the Jobcentre whose advisers know I am Black because they have met me personally.

5. Please tell me which of the criteria, or criterion, you mentioned in your letter, I did not comply with in the three years I was claiming JSA - along with supporting evidence?


PS: As usual with White bureaucracy, one is dealing with those who hanker for the days of Empire, when Whites thought they ruled the world. Today, greedy, stupid and arrogant Whites have messed-up the Western economy and wish to blame their victims for their own Caucasian failings.

cc: Jobcentre Plus - Tunbridge Wells

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